AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - Mar 23
I have experienced the woes of travel in a post-2020 world, but got some stuff done nonetheless.
I accomplished a few things the last month that can be feasibly shown off. Unfortunately most of it I'd say will just need to be experienced in motion and embedding videos here tends to be a pain and it's nothing major enough to warrant a YouTube video for, so you'll just have to bare with me. I also have a slew of minor fixes and tunings to talk about as well but let's start with the major stuff.
For starters, the Ice Giant is nearly complete. He's full of sounds, his FX are pretty much complete and all pickups work, save for a couple of weapons which aren't fully implemented yet (I usually give myself items directly until I consider them pretty m…
AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - Feb 23
I am back from a trip to Texas for minimal news updates and an obligatory discussion about my thoughts on last year.
I'm going to preface this month's update with the fact that there's honestly not much to see. I was on family leave at the end of January proceeding through early February, which naturally inhibits my work. I'd also been working on the Ice Giant class, which involves the bulk of the work for the next update that doesn't really offer anything specific. I don't have anything polished enough to show off, and it's the same news I basically left you off with last month.
I've been back home for a few days now, and have only gotten around to writing this in a brief intermission on random miscellaneous work that isn't AGDoom because I …
AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - Jan 23
A bit late, both to posting the monthly update and wishing a happy New Year, but oh well. Things have been... interesting.
The Ice Giant has been officially under way for about a week now, with a lot of his weapon sprites being finished up and soon his weapons being made. He has support for nearly every pickup script in the game, meaning he gets unique shield and health values and such and all that is figured out, though he's definitely not finished. By the end of the month, I may have him playable, but tuning, adjustment, bug fixes and such mean it'll still probably take a while before I can confidently call him finished. That said, lemme explain a little bit about his playstyle;
Please excuse that I'm going to have to illustrate my point w…
AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - December 22
Well, here we are. Tied to the railroad tracks and watching the train that is 2023 barreling down toward us. But, hey, I do have good news.
Much of the work that AGDoom has been undergoing lately is that of improvements to enemies and some early work on new enemies. Another thing worth talking about is kind of what you won't see. The mod has been undergoing some archive organization and some minor fixes that'll (hopefully) make it easier for me to work on, and if you're one of those people, easier to pick through the mod's files yourself.
The real star of the show is that the Fancy Monsters file is now defunct -- the core AGDoom file has integration with vanilla Doom monsters supporting graphical/detail upgrades for them (AGDoom-style blood/…
AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - November 22
Some small progress updates on AGDoom's next version (Version 3.γ)
Hello, I have some bad news. At least, arguably bad. This last month I've actually been working primarily on another project I hope to have done very soon, a few friends (all of whom formerly worked on the lore/story side of AGD) and I have been compiling some writing work we had from a previous project known as Paradigm for the purposes of organizing it all into a book that might (hopefully) be published. We hope to have it done before the end of the year, a rough early version done around the end of November is specifically what we're aiming at in the immediate future.
That's not to say I haven't been working on AGDoom, I have been, though admittedly nothing groundbreaking.…
AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - October 22
AGDoom V3.b has been unleashed and now we're looking upward to the next version.
AGDoom Version 3.ϐ was released last month and you can find it here on ModDB. Another solid step toward completion of the project, hence a short period of enjoying success and getting a breather in. Development on the next version will resume soon now as I've spent said time taking a break doing some life change stuff that will be a tangent below as per usual. But first, a recap of what 3.ϐ accomplished:
- New class: Sentinel Aerialist
- New enemies:
- Keelborg
- Exo-Interceptor
- Wire Wraith
- Kulltron
- Drillhound
- Nanospectre
- Field Commander
- Tekseer
- Worrmaster
- New HUD elements
- Adjustments to the Battleroid class
- Health overhaul (shields now give health, health has a soft cap of 100, a m…
AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - September 22
Last month, I lied. Sorry. THIS month, we do a video. And there's a good reason why.
We're on ModDB now, a choice I somewhat unintentionally held off on because for a long time I never used nor much cared for ModDB's general layout. Though a couple of friends kind of encouraged it and one night on a whim I just kinda posted AGDoom figuring it'd be an alright idea. Then, the mod practically exploded (I mean, in terms of how I've seen AGDoom perform). At its peak it neared the top 800, and it got about 225 downloads, on V2.2. I was very surprised how much more "accessible" it seemed to release it on ModDB, I kind of never figured it would get any more traction than the standard releases as seen on the ZDoom Forums and Doomworld.
So, my opinion…
AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - August 22
Yeah I know skipped another month. It's kind of an issue that you don't have enough time to work on the project to actually have something to show off monthly. I'm trying to figure that out. Or maybe I won't. I dunno. Anyway, this month we've got a nice twist, this will be coming out in a video form so there's going to be an avalanche of information (of maybe stuff that's already been talked about) to go through about all the overall new stuff to be a nice, complete wrap up, as well as plans for immediate future stuff.
Before we get into specifics, this whole chapter is just gonna be one rapid-fire list of new features that have been getting rolled out since Version 2.2, which is the latest official release and compared to how the latest alp…
AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - June 22
Hey, check it out! Dewm wasn't found dead on the bathroom floor surrounded by Rolling Rock cans!
Yes, believe it or not, I survived the month of May. I kind of meant to write a Monthly Sitrep at the beginning of May but I was busy with basically everything that could go wrong on a personal short of any emergency room visits (and it was a close call even for that). As well as that, I hadn't worked too much in April due to plenty of stuff, mainly getting chances to celebrate my birthday, and May even was quite busy. Not that I have NOTHING to show, but I will admit, I have little. So, expect this to be a short entry. I'm also actually on the move this month, so I may not have much to show next month's entry. But, who cares about all that.
New …
AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - April 22
It's been a busy month and a helluva ride this March, and it's gonna be even busier and hellier for me this month. To whom it is concerned, probably not, but if so then at least we're in this boat together. Oh well, hellier may it me. Home is where the Hell is anyway. Or something like that. Let's get this show on the road; I have a lot to talk about.
Let's get something more "obvious" out of the way. Meet the latest and (maybe not so) greatest enemy put into AGD. This is the Tekseer. He's a bit shy, getting spooked and running away if you get close, but at long range he keeps you busy with his sniper rifle. His attack is telegraphed with a beam that goes from green to red in color before locking on and firing. The design philosophy I have …
AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - March 22
Hi! Hello there! Nice to see you again. You may be curious why the series known as "Monthly Sitrep" that began in January is only getting its second entry in March. Curious, hmmm? Well, the main reason besides not believing in February anymore (fight me Gregorians) is that I've experienced some technical difficulties with my computer. A plethora of issues, and very constantly.
- 1 The End Of Programming As We Know It
- 2 Light Fuse, Run Away
- 3 Symbiosis
- 4 Reverie
Wouldn't you know it, having your computer broken for nearly an entire month straight ends up making it very hard to work on a video game. Hell, I thought I outright lost everything for a while. Thankfully, all my data was saved, AGDoom data wasn't lost, and the latest build has been backed-up…
AGDoom Monthly Sitrep - Jan 22
I'm gonna get a new thing going here. Since it's (almost exactly) the start of 2022, there wouldn't be a more ideal time to create a recurring pseudo-journalist update series for the progress on my primary creative endeavor, AGDoom. There's a decent bit to lay out on the table right now anyway, so even if I decide it's not worth actually putting these out on time or I get lazy about it, this "first issue" has to come out. Also, I worked hard on this super cool graphic that makes this look bold and important, so you know I gotta do it.
The latest version of AGDoom is available for download, having just gone up today-ish. Here's a link to the new Doomworld thread where you can download it. It features some neat new stuff, like overhauled frie…