AGD Wiki


The Klemorian Empire is an empire on the edge of Galactus Vulturnus, formerly the dominant Galactic Power, the Klemorian Empire had fallen into stagnation in around 3635 BBA where it had dominated a quarter of the Galaxy's territory. Its expanse was so vast, that Klemorian military simply destroyed planets for the inability to conquer them without harming their infrastructure.

By 320 ABA, the A222 Empire and Norland Imperium fought against either side of the Klemorian expanse, driving their people and Empire into the dark recesses of their first colonies. Sandwiched between the three rising Human empires, the modern day Klemorian Empire is a proud, but isolationist and envious people.


Klemorian history is poorly documented due to its xenophobia to Humanity and the Galactic Senate. Despite its reluctant participation, it withholds much of its own culture and history to itself and guards its territories carefully. Few non-Klemorians have ever been within its borders, and much fewer have ever lived there for any significant period of time.

Ancient History[]

Rise and Early Colonies[]

Klemorian Domination[]

Rise of Humanity[]

Modern Day[]


Form of Government[]


